This has reference to your on-line application for the post of Chargeman(Tech./ Non-Tech.) in Ord. Fys.
Admission for the test will be strictly on submission of this Admit Card.
You are required to bring Blue/Black Ink Ball Point Pen only for marking on OMR Answer Sheet. Candidate is not allowed to carry any paper, notes or books, correction fluid, calculator, mobile phone, electronic diary, alarm clock, scanning device, writing pad, pencil box, beepers and cameras etc. in the examination hall. Any candidate found in possession of such unauthorized material or indulging in copying or adopting unfair means will be summarily disqualified.
Question paper will be of objective type and consists of one paper only.
o For Technical trades, it will be with two parts, viz. Part-I & Part-II. (For Discipline Chemical, Metallurgy & Clothing, Part-II will have two groups as Group-A & Group-B, based on Diploma or B.Sc standard respectively. Candidates from Chemical, Metallurgy & Clothing discipline will have the option to answer either Group-'A' or 'B' as per their choice).
o Candidates appearing for 'Non-Technical' discipline, question paper will be of 'One Part' only.
Candidate should be very careful towards filling up of Roll No. on OMR Answer Sheet. Any mistake will lead to loss of identity and merit position. No correspondence will be entertained in this respect at later stage.
Merit List: Candidates will be placed in the merit list in the order of higher marks with 'positive' score only.
If more than one candidate obtain same total marks, merit position will be decided by age seniority.
Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
On completion of the examination, candidates will be short listed as per merit position vis-a-vis no. of vacancies. An intimation to short listed candidates will be sent. The candidates must visit the OFB website (www.ofbindia.gov.in) to know the roll no. of short listed candidates. Such candidates must forward (by regd. Post/speed post/courier) 'attested copy of certifcates' in support of - i. Date of Birth, ii. Diploma/Degree Certificate based on which eligibility claimed & iii. Category/Cast Certificate at the following address-
Ordnance Factory Board (Section : A/HRD), 10-A, S.K.Bose Road Kolkata-700 001
Candidate is advised to retain this admit card carefully. It will be required in the event of final selection.
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